Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010

The pressure's mounting

I'm not, and never was, a fan of soccer. But around this time of the century, when the World Cups are going on, I can't avoid being aware that many, many others are. Germany at the moment is a sea of flags, with normal citizens vying to support Chinese plastics manufacturers by planting small flags on their cars. The cheers of supporters, or of opponents, of whoever happens to be playing, or the moans of grief when something goes on, can be heard even above the television in my living room.

It appears that most of the favourites have been eliminated from the games, either by arrogance, or by over-confidence, and this evening two of the rest will yet again meet in what some of them see as being a re-run of almost classic proportions: Germany will face England. Since all of this doesn't really interest me, I don't really care who wins (would be nice though if England finally got somewhat closer to the final than in the last oodles of years..), but I couldn't help thinking that it would a great thing if two no-names (at least in terms of international soccer - no offence meant) were to meet up, and not the usual handfull of candidates with their millionaire dancers - oops - players, of course. It would be so refreshing if New Zealand were to play South Korea, for example, letting small nations all over the world relive the dream of one day having a team of theirs up there winning (just as a German trainer managed to guide Greece to winning the European Championships, an unheard-of triumph).

I'm just afraid it ain't gonna happen.

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